B2B Systems plc
The Challenge : To allow a PC savvy user to define a business workflow process and actually bind screens, information input, calculations based on collected data, and output exceptions and tasks in one simple to use software package - B2BControlCentre.
B2BControlCentre was born out of the frustrations that Martin Preen has with the technology of the day. It was just not possible at the time for a smart user to digitise a process without an army of techies coding. ControlCentre was designed to allow business analysts and smart users to rapidly create solutions. Not only was B2BControlCentre used as the workflow platform for a number of bespoke processes in banks and manufacturing companies, but it went on to become the foundation for pre-configured software packages sold by Business Control Solutions plc across multiple investment and retail banks.
B2B Systems plc merged with Buttonwood Tree Consulting and listed on AIM as BCS plc in 2005.
The challenge : to create a new generation of home appliances that would ride the increasing wave of recycling globally.
Krushr's initial design started as a sketch after Martin Preen became increasingly fed up with taking waste to his curbside. With the expected rise in recycling driven by increasing costs of landfill space, social conscience and escalating energy costs the Krushr concept soon developed into the complete recycling centre for the home.
Many lessons were learned in this venture, however, the success of Krushr has proven that even a start-up business can create products faster and better even in a world dominated by massive businesses.
Krushrs are now made in the United Kingdom and are exported across the world with the main market being North America. In January 2015, Krushr plc signed a global licensing deal with the $4bn Middleby Corporation.
Today Krushr appliances are not only focused on residential sales but at the 2015 Milan exhibition, the first commercial versions were showcased.
The images show a defined workflow to capture the initial details for a new Structured Note and then pass this through the various departments to add data, provide opinions and sign off so that the product could complete the new product sign off process and then be sold to the bank's clients
The challenge : To design a NEW appliance for the mass market.
By utilising years of experience and contacts Preen Partners has embarked on the development of a new appliance that can compete in the global marketplace on quality and price. By thinking out of the box, Preen Partners alongside its industry partners has assembled the best developers in electronics, design, and manufacturing. This project which is ongoing is aiming to deliver beautiful products to market by April 2016.
ADvanced Handling Ltd
The challenge : To take a business under threat and provide it with a new lease of life
Advanced Handling primarily made pallet trucks in the UK during the first half of its life and then diversified into scissor tables. These products whilst having some technical complexity soon became targets for low-cost Chinese and Eastern European companies. At the time it was possible to purchase a complete and packaged product from China lower than the raw steel price in the UK.
The business could only survive on customer loyalty for so long.
In order to provide the business with a new lease of life two major strategic initiatives were required, one outsources its designs to a low-cost factory (see acquisitions) and secondly utilise the skills in the UK to develop a new innovative product. Both strategies were embraced and the Voyager range of products was released. Due to the success of this initiative, Advanced Handling lived up to its name and was acquired by Metalrax plc.